Maciej Markowicz uses moveable Camera Obscuras to isolate and record moments in time. Designed and constructed by the artist, mounted on boats or motorized vehicles, these ancient optical devices are used to expose large sheets of color photographic paper for fixed periods of eight seconds, providing a consistent capture of singular moments and movement.
Markowicz’s work stills time, light and motion. His large color “Motiongraphs” arrest and delineate moments from life and allow us a permanent experience of them. Such moments, frozen and preserved, are looked at differently, and offer a meditative respite from the flow of events around us
Markowicz is dedicated to exploring the passage of time and the ways we see and understand it, a passion derived from the desire to escape it that characterises the human condition. Since a near-death experience as a child, Markowicz has struggled with the fleeting nature of the world as we know it. From the day he discovered photography he has chased time to seize and transform it.

Motiongraph #34 Hill Top Road, Chichester, New York, 08:27 AM, October 17th 2016
Diptych: Two Unique Chromogenic Paper Negatives
50″ x 60.5″

Motiongraph #56 Beacon Channel Dr. at Beach 116th Street Brooklyn, 08:36 AM, May 8th 2017
Diptych: Two Unique Chromogenic Paper Negatives
50″ x 60.5″